It’s the eleventh hour of the election. The candidates and their teams are working overtime, and they will continue to do so until the polls close tomorrow night. Much of America is exhausted from the psychological drain brought on by Facebook propaganda and political smear campaigns. But many citizens, especially Latinos, need to be ready to act—ready […]
The Candidates, the Issues, and the Power of the Latino Vote: An Interview with US Secretary Julian Castro
While campaigning across Pennsylvania last week, US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro talked over the phone with me about the issues surrounding this year’s race for the White House. With the election just days away, Secretary Castro offered his take on the candidates, discussing how each plans to address the issues most important […]
SHE’S GOT YOUR BACK: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Democratic Candidate for the United States of America
The ferocity of the current political climate has left many Latinos feeling uncertain, alienated and even angry. More than ever before, social media has brought many of us to a state of propaganda overload. In our search to find clarity and resolve, we reached out. And she reached back. With complete transparency, Latino Connection is […]